\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\upon waking up give thanks that we are able to live another day. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

I gratefully thank you, living and existing King, for returning my soul within me in compassion. Abundant is your faithfulness!



\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\this blessing is for a tallit katan or any tzitzit you wear; if wearing a large tallit, skip and proceed below. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

Blessed are You, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us regarding the commandment of tzitzit. May it be the will before You, O YAHWEH my ELOHIM, and the ELOHIM of my forefathers, that it should be considered as if I had fulfilled the commandment of tzitzit before You in all its aspects, its details, and its intentions, as well as the 613 commandments that are dependent upon it. Amen, Selah.



\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\this blessing is for the large tallit. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

Bless YAHWEH, O my soul; O YAHWEH, my ELOHIM, You are very great; You have donned glory and majesty; donning light as a garment, stretching out the heavens like a curtain.

\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\unfold the tallit and hold ready to wrap around yourself. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to wrap ourselves in tzitzit.



\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\for entering the synagogue or place of worship. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

How goodly are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel!

As for me, through Your abundant kindness I will enter Your house; I will prostrate myself toward Your holy Sanctuary in awe of you. O YAHWEH, I love the house where You dwell, and the place where Your glory resides. I shall prostrate myself and bow, I shall kneel before YAHWEH my Maker. As for me, may my prayer to You, O YAHWEH, be at a favorable time.  ELOHIM, in the abundance of your kindness, answer me with the truth of Your salvation.



Blessed are you, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to engross ourselves in the words of Torah.  Please, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, sweeten the words of Your Torah in our mouth and in the mouths of Your people, the house of Israel. May we and our offspring, and the offspring of Your people the house of Israel, all of us –, know Your Name (YHWH) and study Your Torah for its own sake.  Blessed are you, YAHWEH, Who teaches Torah to His people Israel.


Blessed  are  you,  O  YAHWEH,  our  ELOHIM,  King  of  the  Universe,  Who selected us from all the peoples, and gave us His Torah.  Blessed are you, YAHWEH, Giver of the Torah.


YAHWEH bless you and keep you; YAHWEH make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; YAHWEH lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.



Blessed is He Who spoke, and the world came into being, blessed is

He.  Blessed is He Who maintains creation; blessed is He Who speaks and does; blessed is He Who decrees and fulfills; blessed is He who has mercy on the earth; blessed is He Who has mercy on the creatures; blessed is He Who gives goodly reward to those who fear Him; blessed is He Who lives forever and Who endures to eternity; blessed is He Who redeems and Who rescues; blessed is His Name (YHWH!).


Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, King of the universe, the ELOHIM, Father Who is merciful, Who is lauded by the mouth of His people, praised and glorified by the tongue of His devout ones and His servants.          And through the psalms of David Your servant we shall laud you, YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, with praises and songs, we shall exalt You, praise  You,  glorify  You,  proclaim  Your  reign,  and  mention  Your Name, (YHWH), our King, our ELOHIM!  O Unique One, Life-giver of the worlds,  King whose great Name (YHWH) is eternally praised and glorified.   Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, the King Who is lauded with praises. Amen.


PSALM 100.

A psalm of thanksgiving, call out to YAHWEH all the earth.  Serve YAHWEH with gladness, come before Him with joyous song.  Know that YAHWEH, He is ELOHIM; it is He Who made us and we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.  Enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courtyards with praise; give thanks to Him, bless His Name (YHWH). For YAHWEH is good; His kindness endures forever, and His faithfulness is from generation to generation.


\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\here is a good place for any other Psalms or words of praise. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.



May Your Name (YHWH) be praised forever our King, the ELOHIM, the great and holy King, in heaven and on earth.   Because to you it is fitting, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM and the ELOHIM of our forefathers, song and praise, lauding and hymns, power and dominion, triumph, greatness, and strength, praise, and glory, holiness and sovereignty, blessings and thanksgiving to Your great and holy Name (YHWH); from now to eternity. Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, ELOHIM, King exalted and lauded through praises, ELOHIM of thanksgiving, Master of wonders, Creator of all souls, Master of all deeds, Who chooses musical songs of praise, King, ELOHIM, Life-giver of the world. Amen.



Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, King of the Universe, Who forms light and creates darkness, makes peace and creates all.


With an abundant love have You loved us, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM; with exceedingly great pity have You pitied us. Our Father, our King, for the sake of our forefathers who trusted in You and whom You taught the laws of life, may You be equally gracious to us and teach us.


Our Father, the merciful Father, Who acts mercifully, have mercy upon us, instill in our hearts to understand and become wiser, to listen, learn, teach, safeguard, perform, and fulfill all the words of Your Torah’s teaching with love.  Enlighten our eyes in your Torah, attach our hearts to Your commandments, and unify our hearts to  love and fear Your Name (YHWH), and may we not feel inner shame for ever. Because we have trusted in Your great and awesome holy Name (YHWH), may we exult and rejoice in Your salvation.

\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\grasp the tzitzit in your left hand and hold throughout the Shema. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

Bring us in peacefulness from the four corners of the earth and lead us with upright pride to our land.  For You effect salvation, O ELOHIM; You have chosen us from among every people and tongue.  And You have brought us close to Your great Name (YHWH) forever in truth, to offer praiseful  thanks  to  You,  and  proclaim  Your  Oneness  with  love. Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who chooses His people Israel with love.


Deuteronomy 6:4.

Shema Yisrael, YAHWEH Eloheinu, YAHWEH echad.

[Baruch shem kevod malchuto le olam vaed.]

Hear O Israel, YAHWEH is our ELOHIM, YAHWEH is One.

[Blessed is the Name of His glorious Kingdom now and forever.]


Deuteronomy 6:5-9.

And you shall love YAHWEH your ELOHIM with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words, which I am commanding you this day, shall be on your heart. You shall  teach  them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your home, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and  they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.


Leviticus 19:18.

(And you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am YAHWEH!)


Deuteronomy 11:1321.

And  it  will  be,  if  you  listen  carefully  to  My  commandments  that  I  am commanding you today,to love YAHWEH your ELOHIM and to serve Him with all of your heart and with all of your soul—,then I will send rain to your land at its proper time, the early rain and the late rain, that you may gather in your grain, your wine, and your oil.


And I will provide grass in your fields for your livestock, and you will eat and be satisfied. Be careful for yourselves, lest your hearts be deceived, and you turn away and serve other gods and worship  them. For the anger of YAHWEH will flare up against you. He will shut up the heavens, and there will be no rain, and the ground will not yield its produce. And you will quickly perish  from the good land that YAHWEH is giving you.  So place these words of Mine upon your heart and soul; bind them as a sign on your hand; and let them be  as frontlets  between  your  eyes.  You  shall  teach them to  your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your home, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house, and on your gates. Do so, in order that your days and the days of your children may be abundant upon the ground that YAHWEH swore to give to your fathers for as long as the heavens are above the earth.


Numbers 15:3741.

And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them to make fringes for themselves upon the corners of their garments throughout their generations. And they  shall include a blue cord in the

corner  fringe.  And  it  will  be  a  fringe  for  you,  and  you  will  see  it  and

remember all the commandments of YAHWEH, and perform them. Then you will not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you tend to go astray. Do this so that you will  remember and perform all of My commandments, and you will be holy for your ELOHIM! I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM, Who took you out from the land of Egypt to be your ELOHIM! I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM!”



And certain, established and enduring, fair and faithful, beloved and cherished, delightful and pleasant, awesome and powerful, correct

and accepted, good and beautiful is this affirmation to us forever and ever.  True the ELOHIM of the universe is our King; the Rock of Jacob is the  Shield  of  our Salvation.  From generation to generation endures and His Name (YHWH) endures and His throne is well established.  His sovereignty and faithfulness endure forever. His words are living and enduring, faithful and delightful forever and to all eternity; for our forefathers and for us, for our children and for our generations,

and for all the generations of Your servant Israel’s offspring.  Upon the earlier and upon later generations, this affirmation is good and enduring forever.  True and faithful, it is an unbreakable decree.  It is true that You are YAHWEH, our ELOHIM and the ELOHIM of our forefathers, our  King  and  the  King  of  our  forefathers,  our  Redeemer,  the Redeemer of our forefathers; our Molder, the Rock of our salvation; our Liberator and our Rescuer this has ever been Your Name (YHWH). There is no ELOHIM but you.



Who is like You O YAHWEH among the gods!  Who is like You, mighty in holiness, too awesome for praise, doing wonders. Who is like You, O YAHWEH?




\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\ (the Amidah is typically recited while standing, quietly and without

interruption if possible). \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

My Master, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.



Blessed are You, YAHWEH our ELOHIM and ELOHIM of our fathers, ELOHIM of

Abraham, ELOHIM of Isaac, ELOHIM of Jacob, the great, mighty and awesome ELOHIM, ELOHIM supreme, Who extends loving-kindness and is Master of all, Who remembers the gracious deeds of our forefathers, and Who brings a Redeemer with love to their children’s children for His Name’s sake (YHWH). King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield! Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Shield of Abraham.



Your might is eternal, O YAHWEH, Who revives the dead, powerful in saving, Who sustains the living with loving-kindness, Who revives the dead with great mercy, Who supports the falling, heals the sick, frees the captive, and keeps faith with those asleep in the dust. Who is like You, Almighty, and who resembles You, O King? Who can bring death and give life, and can make salvation blossom forth! And faithful are You to revive the dead. Blessed are You, YAHWEH, Who revives the dead.



You are holy and Your Name (YHWH) is holy, and holy ones will praise You every day, Selah. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, the holy ELOHIM!



You bestow knowledge to man, and teach understanding to mortals. Bestow upon us knowledge, understanding, and discernment from

You. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who bestows knowledge.



Return us O YAHWEH, to Your Torah, and bring us near, our King, to

Your service, and bring us back in complete repentance before You. Blessed are You YAHWEH, who favors repentance.



Forgive us our Father, for we have sinned. Pardon us our King, for we have transgressed, for You pardon and forgive. Blessed are You O

YAHWEH, Who is gracious and abundantly forgives.



See our affliction, and fight our battle, and redeem us quickly for Your Names sake (YHWH), for You are a strong Redeemer. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Redeemer of Israel.



Heal us, O YAHWEH, and we will be healed. Save us, and we will be saved, for You are our praise. Cause complete healing to arise for all our ailments.

\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\ use this place to pray for a sick person. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

For You are ELOHIM, King, Healer, faithful, and compassionate. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Healer of the sick of His people Israel.



Bless for us, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, this year and all the kinds of crops for goodness, and give a blessing upon the face of the earth. Satisfy us from Your goodness, and bless our year like the good years. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who blesses the years.



Blast the great shofar for our freedom, and raise a banner to gather our exiles, and gather us together from the four corners of the earth. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who gathers in the dispersed of His people Israel.



Return  our  judges  as  at  first,  and  our  counselors  as  in  the

beginning, and remove sorrow and groan from us, and rule over us, You O YAHWEH alone, with devotion and compassion, and justify us in judgment. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, King Who loves  righteousness and judgment.



On the righteous, on the devout, on the elders of Your people, the House  of  Israel,  and  on  their  remaining  scholars,  and  on  the righteous sojourners and on us, may Your compassions be incited, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, and give a good reward to all who sincerely trust in Your Name (YHWH). Set our portion with them forever, and we will not be ashamed, for we trust in You. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, stronghold and security for the righteous.



Return to Jerusalem, Your city, and dwell in her midst as You have spoken. May You build it soon and in our days as an eternal building, and prepare the throne of David within it quickly. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Builder of Jerusalem.



Cause the Branch of David to flourish quickly, and raise his horn in Your salvation, for we hope for Your salvation all day. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who makes the horn of salvation to flourish.



Hear our voice, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, take pity and show compassion to us, and receive our prayer with compassion and favor, for You are a ELOHIM Who hears prayers and supplications. Our King, do not turn us away with nothing, for You compassionately hear the prayer of Your people Israel. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who hears prayer.



Be favorable, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, toward Israel Your people, turn to their prayer and restore the service to the Holy of Holies of Your House. And the fire offerings of Israel and their prayers may You speedily accept with love and favor, and may the service of Your people Israel be continually favorable to You. May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who restores His Dwelling Presence to Zion.



We gratefully thank You, for it is You Who are YAHWEH, our ELOHIM and the ELOHIM of our forefathers forever. Our Rock, the Rock of our lives_, Shield of our Salvation are You from generation to generation. We shall thank You and relate Your praise:for our lives_, which  are committed to Your power, and for our souls that are  entrusted  to You; for Your miracles that are with us every day;  and for Your wonders   and   favors   in   every   season—evening,   morning,   and afternoon. O Good One, Your compassions were never exhausted. O Compassionate One, Your kindnesses never ended. We have always put our hope in You.

\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\ use this place to offer thanks for specific things in your life. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

For all these, may Your Name (YHWH) be blessed, exalted, and extolled, our King, continually forever and ever. Everything alive will gratefully acknowledge You—Selah! And may they praise Your great Name (YHWH) sincerely, O ELOHIM of our salvation and help—Selah! Blessed are You, O YAHWEH; Your Name (YHWH) is “The Good One,” and to You, it is fitting to give thanks.



Grant    peace,    goodness,     and     blessing;     grace,    devotion,     and compassion to us and to all Your people Israel. Bless us, our Father, all of us as one, with the light of Your countenance. For in the light of Your countenance You give us, O YAHWEH, the Torah of life, and the love of devotion, righteousness, and blessing, compassion, life, and peace. And it is good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel at every moment and every hour with Your peace. Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who blesses His people Israel with peace.


May the expressions of my mouth, and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You, O YAHWEH, my Rock and my Redeemer.



Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name (YHWH). May your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.   Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from all evil. For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.



Oseh shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom aleinu, ve al kol Yisra’el, veimru, imru, Amen.


May He Who makes peace in His heights make peace on all of us, and upon all Israel; now say: Amen.




It is our duty to praise the Master of all, to ascribe greatness to the Molder of creation, for He has not made us like the nations of the lands, and has not emplaced us like the families of the earth; for He has not assigned our portion like theirs nor our lot like all their multitudes.


We bend our knees, bow, and acknowledge our thanks before the

King  Who  reigns  over  kings,  the  Holy  One,  Blessed  is  He.  


He stretches out heaven and establishes earth’s foundation,

The seat of His homage is in the heavens above and His powerful Presence in the loftiest heights.  He is our ELOHIM and there is none other.  True is our King, there is nothing beside Him, as it is written in His Torah:

‘You are to know this day and take to your heart that YAHWEH is the

only ELOHIM – in heaven above and on the earth below – there is none other.’


And it is said: YAHWEH will be King over all the world – on that day YAHWEH will be One and His Name (YHWH) will be One.


! !  End of SHACHARIT

THE MORNING SERVICE Prayers! Praise Yah!




             \Eng:[:phone arpa SAMPA][_:<3333,0>]\









Contentment awaits those who dwell in Your house; may they always praise You,  Selah. Contentment  awaits  the  people   for   whom  this  is  so, contentment awaits the people whose ELOHIM is YAHWEH!

 I will exalt you, my ELOHIM the King, and I will bless Your Name (YHWH) forever and ever.

Every day I will bless You and I will laud Your Name (YHWH) forever and ever.

YAHWEH is great and exceedingly lauded,

and His greatness is beyond investigation.

 Each generation will praise Your deeds to the next

and of Your mighty deeds they will tell;  The splendorous glory of Your power

and Your wondrous deeds I shall discuss.  And of Your awesome power they will speak,

and Your greatness I shall relate.

 A recollection of Your abundant goodness they will utter,

and of Your righteousness they will sing exultantly.

 Gracious and merciful is YAHWEH, slow to anger, and great in kindness.

 YAHWEH is good to all; His mercies are on all His works.  All Your works shall thank You, O YAHWEH,

and your devout ones will bless You.

 Of the glory of Your kingdom they will speak,

and of Your power they will tell;

 To inform human beings of His mighty deeds,

and the glorious splendor of His kingdom.

 Your kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternities,

and Your dominion is throughout every generation.  YAHWEH supports all those who are fallen

and straightens all those who are bent.  The eyes of all look to You with hope,

and You give them their food in its proper time;

 You open Your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

 Righteous is YAHWEH in all His ways, and magnanimous in all His deeds.

 YAHWEH is close to all who call upon Him

to all who call upon Him sincerely.

 The will of those who fear Him He will do,

and their cry He will hear and save them.

 YAHWEH protects all who love Him; but all the wicked He will destroy.

 May my mouth declare the praise of YAHWEH

And may all flesh bless His Holy Name (YHWH) forever and ever. We will bless ELOHIM from this time and forever, Halleluyah!



\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\ (the Amidah is typically recited while standing, quietly and without

interruption if possible) \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

My Master, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.



Blessed are You, YAHWEH our ELOHIM and ELOHIM of our fathers, ELOHIM of Abraham, ELOHIM of Isaac, ELOHIM of Jacob, the great, mighty and awesome ELOHIM, ELOHIM supreme, Who extends loving-kindness and is Master of all, Who remembers the gracious deeds of our forefathers, and Who brings a Redeemer with love to their children’s children for His Name’s sake (YHWH). King, Redeemer, Savior, and Shield! Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Shield of Abraham.



Your might is eternal, O YAHWEH, Who revives the dead, powerful in saving, Who sustains the living with loving-kindness, Who revives the

dead with great mercy, Who supports the falling, heals the sick, frees the captive, and keeps faith with those asleep in the dust. Who is like You, Almighty, and who resembles You, O King? Who can bring death and give life, and can make salvation blossom forth! And faithful are

You to revive the dead. Blessed are You, YAHWEH, Who revives the dead.



You are holy and Your Name (YHWH) is holy, and holy ones will praise You every day, Selah. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, the holy ELOHIM!



You bestow knowledge to man, and teach understanding to mortals. Bestow upon us knowledge, understanding, and discernment from You. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who bestows knowledge.



Return us O YAHWEH, to Your Torah, and bring us near, our King, to Your service, and bring us back in complete repentance before You. Blessed are You YAHWEH, who favors repentance.



Forgive us our Father, for we have sinned. Pardon us our King, for we have transgressed, for You pardon and forgive. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who is gracious and abundantly forgives.



See our affliction, and fight our battle, and redeem us quickly for Your Names sake (YHWH), for You are a strong Redeemer. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Redeemer of Israel.



Heal us, O YAHWEH, and we will be healed. Save us, and we will be saved, for You are our praise. Cause complete healing to arise for all our ailments.

\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\use this place to pray for a sick person \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

For You are ELOHIM, King, Healer, faithful, and compassionate. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Healer of the sick of His people Israel.



Bless for us, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, this year and all the kinds of crops for goodness, and give a blessing upon the face of the earth. Satisfy us from Your goodness, and bless our year like the good years. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who blesses the years.



Blast the great shofar for our freedom, and raise a banner to gather our exiles, and gather us together from the four corners of the earth.  Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, who gathers in the dispersed of His people, Israel.



Return  our  judges  as  at  first,  and  our  counselors  as  in  the

beginning, and remove sorrow and groan from us, and rule over us, You O YAHWEH alone, with devotion and compassion, and justify us in judgment. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, King Who loves  righteousness and judgment.



On the righteous, on the devout, on the elders of Your people, the House  of  Israel,  and  on  their  remaining  scholars,  and  on  the righteous sojourners and on us, may Your compassions be incited, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, and give a good reward to all who sincerely trust in Your Name (YHWH). Set our portion with them forever, and we will not be ashamed, for we trust in You. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, stronghold and security for the righteous.



Return to Jerusalem, Your city, and dwell in her midst as You have spoken. May You build it soon and in our days as an eternal building, and prepare the throne of David within it quickly. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Builder of Jerusalem.



Cause the Branch of David to flourish quickly, and raise his horn in Your salvation, for we hope for Your salvation all day. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who makes the horn of salvation to flourish.



Hear our voice, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, take pity and show compassion to us, and receive our prayer with compassion and favor, for You are a ELOHIM Who hears prayers and supplications. Our King, do not turn us away with nothing, for You compassionately hear the prayer of Your people Israel. Blessed are You O YAHWEH, Who hears prayer.



Be favorable, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, toward Israel Your people, turn to their prayer and restore the service to the Holy of Holies of Your House. And the fire offerings of Israel and their prayers may You speedily accept with love and favor, and may the service of Your people Israel be continually favorable to You. May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who restores His Dwelling Presence to Zion.



We gratefully thank You, for it is You Who are YAHWEH, our ELOHIM and the ELOHIM of our forefathers forever. Our Rock, the Rock of our lives_, Shield of our Salvation are You from generation to generation. We shall thank You and relate Your praise:for our lives_, which  are committed to Your power, and for our souls that are  entrusted  to You; for Your miracles that are with us every day;  and for Your wonders   and   favors   in   every   season—evening,   morning,   and afternoon. O Good One, Your compassions were never exhausted. O Compassionate One, Your kindnesses never ended.We have always put our hope in You.

\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\use this place to offer thanks for specific things in your life \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

For all these, may Your Name (YHWH) be blessed, exalted, and extolled, our King, continually forever and ever. Everything alive will gratefully acknowledge YouSelah! And may they praise Your great Name (YHWH) sincerely, O ELOHIM of our salvation and helpSelah! Blessed are You, O YAHWEH; Your Name (YHWH) is The Good One,” and to You, it is fitting to give thanks.



Establish abundant peace upon Your people Israel forever, for You are King, Master of all peace. May it be good in Your eyes to bless

Your people Israel at every time and every hour with Your peace. Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who blesses His people Israel with peace.


May the expressions of my mouth, and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You, O YAHWEH, my Rock and my Redeemer.



Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name (YHWH). May your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.   Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from all evil. For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen.



Oseh shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom aleinu, ve al kol Yisra’el, veimru, imru, Amen.


May He Who makes peace in His heights make peace on all of us, and upon all Israel; now say: Amen.



\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\alternative with emphasis on Yeshua \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

It is our duty to praise the Master of all, to ascribe greatness to the One Who created from the beginning, that He called us from the nations of the earth, and chose us as His family, a treasured people, and placed our portion in Yeshua.  We are Your people whom You redeemed.   We therefore bow and worship and give thanks before the King, the King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed is He!  On that day YAHWEH will be One and His name (YHWH) One.


! !  End of MINCHA

THE AFTERNOON SERVICE Prayers! Praise Yah!  

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He, the Merciful One, is forgiving of iniquity and does not destroy.

Frequently He withdraws His anger, not arousing His entire rage.

YAHWEH, save! May the King answer us on the day we call.


Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, King of the universe, Who by His word brings on evenings,          with                wisdom opens                       gates, with understanding alters periods, changes the seasons, and orders the stars in their heavenly constellations as He wills.  He creates day and night, removing light before darkness and darkness before light.  He causes day to pass and brings night, and separates between day and between night, YAHWEH of Hosts is His Name.  May the living and enduring ELOHIM continuously reign over us, for all eternity.  Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who brings on evenings. (Amen.)


With an eternal love have You loved the House of Israel, Your nation. Torah  and  commandments,  decrees  and  ordinances  have  You taught us.  Therefore YAHWEH, our ELOHIM, upon our retiring and arising, we will discuss Your decrees and we will rejoice with the words of Your Torah and with Your commandments for all eternity.  For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will meditate day and night.              May You not remove Your love from us forever. Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who loves His nation Israel.



Deuteronomy 6:4.

Shema Yisrael, YAHWEH Eloheinu, YAHWEH echad.

[Baruch shem kevod malchuto le olam vaed.]

Hear O Israel, YAHWEH is our ELOHIM, YAHWEH is One.

[Blessed is the Name of His glorious Kingdom now and forever.]


Deuteronomy 6:5-9.

And you shall love YAHWEH your ELOHIM with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words, which I am commanding you this day, shall be on your heart. You shall  teach  them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your home, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall bind  them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.


Leviticus 19:18.

(And you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am YAHWEH!)


Deuteronomy 11:13–21.

And  it  will  be,  if  you  listen  carefully  to  My  commandments  that  I  am commanding you today,—to love YAHWEH your ELOHIM and to serve Him with all of your heart and with all of your soul—,then I will send rain to your land at its proper time, the early rain and the late rain, that you may gather in your grain, your wine, and your oil.  And I will provide grass in your fields for your livestock, and you will eat and be satisfied. Be careful for yourselves, lest your hearts be deceived, and you turn away and serve other gods and worship them. For the anger of YAHWEH will flare up against you. He will shut up the heavens, and there will be no rain, and the ground will not yield its produce. And you will quickly perish from the good land that YAHWEH is giving you.  So place these words of Mine upon your heart and soul; bind them as a sign on your hand; and let them be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your home, and  when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when  you  rise up. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of  your house, and on your gates. Do so, in order that your days and the days of your children may be abundant upon the ground that YAHWEH swore to give to your fathers for as long as the heavens are above the earth.


Numbers 15:37–41.

And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them to make fringes for themselves upon the corners of their garments throughout their generations. And they  shall include a blue cord in the corner  fringe.  And  it  will  be  a  fringe  for  you,  and  you  will  see  it  and remember all the commandments of YAHWEH, and perform them. Then you will not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you tend to go astray. Do this so that you will remember and perform  all  of My commandments, and you will be holy for your ELOHIM! I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM, Who took you out from the land of Egypt to be your ELOHIM! I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM!”



Lay us down to sleep, O YAHWEH our ELOHIM, in peace, raise us erect, our King, to life; and spread over us the shelter of Your peace.  Set us aright with good counsel from before Your Presence, and save us for Your Names sake (YHWH).   Shield us, remove from us foe, plague, sword, famine, and woe; and remove spiritual impediment from before us and behind us and in the shadow of Your wings shelter us,   for ELOHIM Who protects and rescues us are You; for ELOHIM, the gracious  and compassionate King, are You.     Safeguard our going and coming, – for life and for peace from now to eternity.    Blessed are You, O YAHWEH, Who protects His people Israel forever. (Amen.)



\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\To recite the Amidah at evening, please see afternoon service. 

Continue with Avinu”. \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.



Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name (YHWH). May your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.  Give

us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.   Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from all evil. For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever.




Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu, ve’al kol Yisra’el, ve’imru, imru, Amen.


May He Who makes peace in His heights make peace on all of us, and upon all Israel; now say: Amen.



\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\alternative with emphasis on Yeshua \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

It is our duty to praise the Master of all, to ascribe greatness to the One Who created from the beginning, that He called us from the nations of the earth, and chose us as His family, a treasured people, and placed our portion in Yeshua.  We are Your people whom You redeemed.   We therefore bow and worship and give thanks before the King, the King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed is He!  On that day YAHWEH will be One and His name (YHWH) One.




! !  End of MINCHA

THE EVENING SERVICE Prayers! Praise Yah!



This Set of Prayers Designed for personal use. Free for printing with no restrictions.



Compiled and Edited by Cliff Carlson.


Spring/Summer 2008, revised 9-9-09.


NAMES Restoration by Dan Blana, Spring 2010.



v   Artscroll Complete Siddur.

Available at

v   The Bible.

v   Weekday Prayers: Shema and Amidah.

Was accessed at (no longer available).

v   Siddur Beit Hallel.

Available at

v   The decision of which prayers to include was largely influenced by a ‘White Paper’ from First Fruits of Zion entitled

“Recommended Outline for Set Time Prayers.” Available for free

PDF download at




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