Erev Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles Eve.


Leviticus 23:23-32.

23 \Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\. The Feast of Trumpets. .\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

YHWH spoke to Moses, saying,
24 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest to you, a memorial of blowing of shofars, a holy convocation.
25 You shall do no regular work; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to YHWH!’”

\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnestLOW”\. The Day of Atonement. .\Vce=Speaker=“LeslieEarnest”\.

YHWH spoke to Moses, saying,
27 “However on the tenth day of this seventh month is Yom Kippur: it shall be a holy convocation to you, and you shall afflict yourselves; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to YHWH!
28 You shall do no kind of work in that same day; for it is Yom Kippur, to make atonement for you before YHWH your ELOHIM!
29 For whoever it is who shall not deny himself in that same day; shall be cut off from his people.
30 Whoever it is who does any kind of work in that same day, that person I will destroy from among his people.
31 You shall do no kind of work: it is a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
32 It shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for you, and you shall deny yourselves. In the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall keep your Sabbath.”



! !  End of Today’s TORAH and Related Scriptures! Praise Yah!   (HNV-yet version, in the public domain.)

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