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A 50+ page booklet designed to save yourself reading a 500-page book. In a "nutshell", it helps you "get your arms around" the information with Chapters covering: Cancer is Environmental - It's related to Lifestyle; If I have Cancer, What Do I Do?; Sources of Toxins; Meeting Cancer Head-on; Curing Advanced Cancers; Specific Cancers; You Are What You Eat; Blood Types; Nutritionist's Bible; Do I Have Cancer? How Can I Know?; and MORE. Dr. Nelson was impacted to write this upon his wife's cancer. His home is in the Denver, Colorado Area.
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An 81-page booklet providing nutritional information dealing with cancer. It
has substantial
encouragement from the Bible, prayers, etc. It describes what cancer is, contributing
the immune system, good and bad foods, fats, phytonutrients, detoxification,
antioxidants, supplements, etc. It offers practical suggestions on foods to
eat. A great primer.
Dr. Colbert has his practice and specializes in alternative therapies in Longwood, Florida.
A 152-page book detailing the Biblical basis for eating and avoiding certain foods and food groups. Describes the basic Mediterranean diet, which is very healthy. Includes proteins, vitamins, etc. Advocates eating fish, poultry, eggs and red meat only sparingly.
Dr. Cherry has written several other books, including Healing Prayer which is a great encouragement.
Dr. Cherry was exposed to miraculous healings after leaving medical school. He found keys in the scriptures to good eating habits and has applied those to his practice. He has closed his clinic and is devoting his time to teaching and lecturing. His home is in Houston, Texas.
An ONLINE BOOKLET saying why she urges her patients to switch to Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy for PMS, Menopause and Osteoporosis. She says that medical research shows a high risk of cancer in women who take synthetic hormones, especially BREAST CANCER!!! Read it for more.
This 47-page booklet shows a clear distinction between eating based upon the worlds standards and Biblical standards. He is critical of most drugs and advocates a strict vegetarian diet. He addresses Biblical guidelines for diet. He is quite adamant about his discoveries avoiding animal products, cows milk, sugar, table salt and white flour - and is quite convincing. His book has numerous testimonials from people healed by using his program. Very high on barley green. He is very critical of the lack of nutritional education for doctors. He publishes free health tips via the email.
Rev. Malkmus pastored various churches and did not know how to handle life-threatening diseases. He was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1976. He believed that his mother had previously died from standard medical treatments for her cancer. He began searching for an alternative. He was cured and founded a health center called Hallelujah Acres in Shelby, North Carolina..
This 214-page book makes a very strong case against traditional medical treatments, which use chemotherapy, radiation, and other drugs. It discusses at length the history of standard treatments, the influence of pharmaceutical companies on the profession, and the short-term and long-term side effects of these treatments. It discusses quality-of-life issues and how tumors frequently grow back with a vengeance after such treatments. It suggests that true mortality rates have not improved much, if at all, and discusses serious fraud and cover-ups in certain national cancer institutions. The term cure is defined as five-year survival by the medical profession.
The book includes definitions, discussions on the different types of cancer, descriptions of major drugs used, the development of the Oncology profession, suggestions regarding nutrition, vitamins and supplements, 17 pages of documentary references, and a thorough index (as one might expect from a scientific writer).
The above web site describes much of the above. He has a free email newsletter available called The Moss Reports and a subscription-based Monthly Update. These are very academic. He will provide a comprehensive, 250-page report on his most current information and recommendations for specific cancer situations at a cost of $297.
Ralph Moss started as a science writer at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in 1974. After feeling that he had misrepresented the real facts about cancer to the public, he made some of his findings public and was fired. In 1980, he wrote his first book, The Cancer Syndrome. His work was reviewed in a PBS documentary, The Cancer War. He is a major contributor to Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons published by the U.S. Government Printing Office and serves as a member of the Alternative Medicine Program Advisory Council of the National Institutes of Health.
This 60-minute video includes a 10-point plan to fight cancer. It includes: 1 Nutrition; 2 Exercise; 3 Water; 4 Sunlight; 5 Temperance; 6 Air; 7 Rest; 8 Trust in God; 9 Attitude of Gratitude; 10 Benevolence. The major emphasis is on nutrition recommending a strict vegetarian diet, lots of water, barley greens, etc. And avoiding processed sugar, enriched bread, processed and grilled foods. It states that cancer begins in the colon and is a result of the immune system not working properly. Trust in God is absolutely essential.
Dr. Day was diagnosed with cancer of the breast in 1992 and had a lumpectomy refusing both chemotherapy and radiation. Soon a grapefruit-sized tumor grew right out of her breast (see picture on web site). She researched 40 different alternative approaches and was healed in 8 months using the above plan.
She is adamantly opposed to chemotherapy and radiation because of their destructive side effects and because they often lead to death. And believes cancer can be conquered by rebuilding the immune system so that God can heal it through natural means.
Dr. Day was Chief of Orthopedic Trauma Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. She spent 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine.
She has additional videos, including:
1 Cancer Doesnt Scare Me Anymore* [Dealing with traditional medical
2 He Loves Me He Loves Me Not* - [This is a scriptural study on whether
it is Gods
will to heal you];
3 Diseases Dont Just Happen* [Addresses basic causes of disease and her
10-step plan];
4 Double Blind;
5 Sorting Through the Maze of Alternative Medicine* [Discusses 40 alternative
of healing cancer];
6 Turn on the Light; Overcoming Anxiety and Depression* [Discusses depression,
causes and her plan for overcoming it]
* We have these videos
This 346-page book takes a very scientific approach to explaining cancer and reviewing traditional and alternative treatments. It reviews what cancer is, orthodox treatments, nutrition, dietary fats, and many little known alternative treatments that have been used over the years. It discusses cabbage, linseed oil, bee pollen, macrobiotics, visualization, laetrile, electrical fields, fluoride, Nutrasweet, green tea, etc.
Mr. Fischer worked for several large pharmaceutical manufacturers and founded his own health company in Germany. He then moved to the U.S. and began publishing books on natural healing. He has published over 13 books.
This 238-page book discusses health and pollution, primarily toxicity, which
is considered
the major cause of illness in bowels and liver. It includes various testimonies
of healings,
diagnosing problems using blood and hair analysis and the importance of enzymes.
The central issue is cleansing the colon using fasting, rest, enemas, ozone and bathing techniques. It describes the accumulation of mucus linings and substances in the colon, which prevent the processing of toxins out of the body. This results in waste products from the blood not being able to penetrate colon walls because they are saturated with hardened feces and mucus linings. The waste is then reabsorbed into the body - creating a condition known as autointoxification the body literally poisoning itself.
Bud Curtis was involved in the aerospace industry for 25 years, sold it, and began researching illnesses in order to improve his health.
This 208-page book explains how the thymus gland works and interacts with the spleen, lymph nodes, T cells, the immune system, etc. Its size changes and seems to reduce the effectiveness of these functions. The section on music was particularly interesting stress-alarm reactions from rock music beats (including some classical music), effects on energy, learning and productivity. Very interesting reading but be selective in what you accept.
John Diamond is a professional psychiatrist who has expanded his practice into preventive medicine. He is president of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine.
This 267-page book identifies stresses affecting health, available therapies, helps to prepare a program to help your body fight disease, and how to assess how your body is performing and what help it needs using naturopathic techniques. It is very easy reading and practical. It describes homeostasis when every organ is performing its duty, destroying cancer cells quite effectively. When disrupted by toxic stressor overloads, however, freelance cancer cells have a chance to get organized into mobs then creating tumors. We all have cancer cells floating around in our bodies. However, most of us are healthy enough to fight the cells naturally.
Johns wife, Anne, at age 35, struggled for many months with what doctors had diagnosed as bursitis. About 1990, it was later diagnosed as stage-4 advanced breast cancer that had spread throughout her body with tumors covering her skull, shoulder, ribs, pelvic bone, and spine. She was expected to live up to 2 years. She went through the normal surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapies including a bone marrow transplant. But these failed to eradicate the cancer completely. She was sent home to die. She decided to try a natural means of detoxification and diet. These eliminated the cancer within 5 weeks and extended her life another 9 years until she died about 1999 from iron poisoning that was created by the 150 blood transfusions received during the failed bone marrow transplant. She also had a jawbone infection, which helped cause an ovarian tumor.
He gives 6 characteristics of those who do well in this type of program: 1) strong/positive mindset; 2) purpose for living; 3) willing to make disciplined changes; 4) seek partnership with others; 5) attention to little stress things; and 6) trust God.
John was employed by The Navigators, a major ministry in Colorado Springs, for about 17 years before leaving to start a nutritional ministry with his wife, Anne. They wrote numerous books, spoke extensively and opened a health retreat west of Colorado Springs called HealthQuarters. Other books include: A Cancer Battle Plan (includes an excellent resource list), Healthy Habits, and Reclaim Your Health. John speaks frequently throughout the U.S.
This 24-page booklet describes the importance of oxygen to the health of the body - in eliminating and combating invading pathogens and sterilizing and detoxifying the body. It states that cancer, heart disease and lung disease, and common infections all stem from a critical deficiency in oxygen. The oxygen content of the air we breathe averages 19-21% in most cities compared with 38% found in ancient fossilized amber and 10% in industrialized areas. It is estimated that human life cannot be supported below 7%. When cells are oxygen- stabilized, we are able to extract, assimilate and use more vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients; our immune systems are strengthened; we are able to fight off and eliminate toxic invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites; we can oxidize and flush out harmful waste, toxins and gasses; promotes faster recovery from strenuous exercise, injury and stress.
This booklet was written to explain a new product Stabilized Oxygen. An excellent history and overview. The book is well done.
This 1116-page book describes details of the successful cancer treatment plans of 23 alternative physicians. It defines cancer and the business of cancer treatments. It has sections on nutrition, botanicals, pharmacology, stimulation, whole-body metabolism, physical support and energy-support therapies. Very extensive endnotes.
Mr. Diamond is a board-certified pathologist from South Africa. He has extensive training in medical acupuncture, classical homeopathy and neural therapy. He is medical director of the Triad Medical Center in Reno, Nevada and serves on many medical boards. Mr. Cowden is board-certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular disease and clinical nutrition. He conducts clinical research and teaches alternative medicine at the Conservative Medicine Institute in Richardson, Texas.
This 1068-page book describes alternative therapies from acupuncture, to chelation, to hydrotherapy, to naturopathic medicine. It has 540 pages describing many different health conditions from addictions, to gastritis, to lung cancer, to retinopathy. Many illustrations. A very academic and well-referenced guide. It lists 100 on its Editorial Board and 300 leading physicians and scientists as Contributors and Consultants from around the world. It discusses different approaches to treatments structural imbalance, biochemical and cellular balances, mental and emotional balance, and energetic levels of the body.
Burton Goldberg is a nationally known advocate of alternative medicine. His interest began with a friend needing help. Mr. Goldberg sits on many advisory panels and boards including the National Institute of Health and is a frequent speaker on this subject.
The Special Edition we purchased highlights Healing Cancer Naturally. This issue discusses Essiac, MGN3, flaxseed oil, medical ozone, Hydroxygen Plus, hyperthermia, Gerson Therapy and other treatments. Good, general information.
CLICK HERE to learn the "whole" truth about why isolated and fragmented vitamins & minerals alone can't meet your complete nutritional needs. Juice Plus+® is a whole food based product.
We obtained these products from Marla and Roger Healy in Parker.
Additional books not reviewed:
What the Bible Says About Healthy Living
Rex Russell, M.D.
Green Leaves of Barley
Dr. Mary Ruth Swope
* The Wheatgrass Book
Ann Wigmore
The Hope of Living Cancer Free
Francisco Contraras, M.D.
The Causes and Prevention of Cancer
Dr. Frederick Levenson
Fit for Life
Harvey & Marilyn Diamond
* Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill
Udo Erasmus PhD
The One Perfect Diet [Leviticus Diet]
Valerie Saxion, ND, PhD
Valerie Saxion, ND, PhD
* Leaky Gut Syndrome
Elizabeth Lipski, M.S., C.C.N.
Discovering Wholeness
Dr. Cheryl Townsley, N.D.
* = excellent books
Compiled courtesy of Bill Suhonen, minor editions by Dan Blana
List Revised February 23, 2009
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Updated: 12/29/2010 11:00 PM
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